FAQs, Frequently Asked Questions, Client Intake Form, Tacoma Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, CBD, Aromatherapy

Frequently Asked Questions


How early should I arrive?

Just a few minutes early. If you haven’t completed your online paperwork (at the bottom of this page), give yourself enough time to fill out an intake form and use the restroom. Our door is locked during other appointments so arriving earlier could mean you are left waiting which I never want to do!


What is your cancellation policy?

In order for all clients to be accommodated, rescheduling or canceling your appointment must be done at least 24-hours prior to your appointment.

If less than 24-hours notice is given, you'll be charged a $50.00 cancellation fee.

If no prior notice is given and you don't show up for your session, you'll be charged 100% of your service.


I have a cold (flu or other contagious condition) should I come in?

Please stay at home and get well! So long as you provide notice, all fees are waived.


Am I allowed to talk during a session?

Of course! I'll follow your lead on this point. Some clients want feedback on what I'm noticing throughout the massage, some have questions or like to chat and some clients prefer a quiet massage where they can drift with their thoughts and take in the experience. If you want a quiet massage, just let me know, a simple: "I'd like a quiet massage today" works great. I may ask a few upfront questions about pressure and then leave you to it.


What does “undress to your comfort level” mean?

It's always up to you whether you leave underclothes on. I want you to be comfortable. After I finish the intake section of a session, I'll leave the room and allow you to undress in private. You’ll get onto the table and under the sheet and blanket. Only the region of the body being worked on is undraped. I do encourage clients to undress completely especially if the issue is low back or hip problems because this requires work directly on the hips and gluteals.


How far out before a race should I schedule a massage?

Most clients receive pre-race massage three days before race day and post-race two days after. Two to three days beforehand allows your body to receive moderate to intense massage therapy which shouldn't inhibit performance, and hopefully, increase performance. Knowing your body will help you determine how close to race day you should receive bodywork.


Do you have a shower I can use?

No, unfortunately, I don't have a shower available to clients. I generally use non-scented, organic shea butter which won't leave you too oily or greasy. A lot of clients head right back to work or meetings after their appointment. If you need me to stay away from scalp massage or take extra care around your makeup just let me know because I can certainly accommodate that.


What is CBD Massage good for?

The most commonly reported reasons for using topical CBD products are more focus and calm mood, relief from exercise-induced inflammation, reduced joint pain and stiffness, healthier sleep cycles, and relief from everyday stress. CBD, while it comes from the same plant as THC does not contain any psychoactive compounds.


I'm never sure about gratuities. How much should I tip?

It’s not a requirement to tip me! If you’ve had an awesome massage and you’d like to show gratitude in this way, 15-20% of the cost of service is a standard percentage. That said, re-booking your next massage is the best gratuity as I’d rather have you put your money toward self care and wellness. You can also refer a friend or leave a review on Google or Yelp.


Can I fill out my paperwork online?

Yes! First Time Clients, please fill out the intake form below:

Intake Form